
The Complete Review Of The Structure And Function Of The Skeleton In Dogs

he skeleton of the dog is referred to in two parts:the axial skeleton and the appendic-skeleton. The axial skeleton includes the skull, which varies considerably from breed to breed while retaining the same essential characteristics. The spina...

Demodectic Mange Treatments: A Basic Overview

Overview This article contains a brief introduction of the various treatment options available for curing demodectic mange in dogs. You may have known already that demodectic mange is primarily a skin condition caused by an overpopulation of t...

Wobblers Disease

Wobblers' disease, of the cervical (neck) spinal column, is suspected to be caused by a combination of genetics, nutrition (a dog food high in protein) and rapid growth rate which causes spinal cord compression. It is a disease that if not tr...

Mitaban for Demodectic Mange: Friend or Foe?

On paper, Mitaban seems like the best weapon any dog owner can have against mange, especially the demodectic variety; you pour a liquid all over an affected dog's body and it promptly kills all the mites responsible for the skin problem. Do th...

Canine Epilepsy: Knowing Is Vital

Your pets are a major part of your life, and it's important to know if anything is wrong with them, so you should have a little basic knowledge about one of the more common conditions that can occur in dogs - canine epilepsy. Basically that is...

Seizures in Dogs: Why They Happen

Many of our favorite memories as children and as adults are of our favorite pets, which is one reasons why you should make yourself familiar with a common occurrence in households, which is when seizures in dogs happen. You can tell your dog i...

Dog Seizures: What You Need to Know

Pets are a tremendously important part of our lives, so one thing that you should be aware of is the environmental factors that might cause dog seizures. You can tell when your dog is having one of these because he or she will most likely be s...

Canine Seizures: Some Information

Pets are a huge part of our lives, and dogs are one of our favorite domesticated friends, so it is of the highest importance that we care for them the best we can, and one of the things that can quickly effect the health of our dogs are canine...

Skin Fold Dermatitis and Pyoderma in Dogs

Canines come in a variety of breeds, including some with wrinkled attributes that require special attention. Dogs such as the pug, bulldog, and bloodhound contain extra skin that folds on their body and face for a look that many can't deny, bu...

Dog Diarrhea Can Be Dangerous - Understand Acute Vs Chronic

Dog diarrhea can be quite dangerous because it could leave your dog dehydrated and weak. Diarrhea can be caused by a variety of things; however ingesting the wrong kinds of foods is one of the top culprits. This is why you should follow the ru...