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Seizures in Dogs: Why They Happen

  • 01/02/2014

Many of our favorite memories as children and as adults are of our favorite pets, which is one reasons why you should make yourself familiar with a common occurrence in households, which is when seizures in dogs happen. You can tell your dog is having a seizure if it is shaking uncontrollably or exhibits strange behavior and then gets better quickly.

So what exactly is a seizure anyway, if it's something that can happen to a dog? The short explanation is that is an uncontrollable firing of random neurons in the brain, and those little spats of electricity can cause thrashing around, stiffening of muscles, or other erratic behavior for short periods of time.

A big cause of seizures in dogs is how much stress they are under. Believe it or not, the more stressed a dog is through meeting strangers and strange animals, being in uncomfortable environmental conditions, excitement over various things, or even things like nightmares can cause Fido to have a seizure.
There are also things known as toxins which can cause an episode. Often times, these toxins come from impurities that we give to our pets in their low-quality food. We figure that because it has a pretty picture of a dog on the front, that it is something that they should be eating. Many times this is not the case, and it is almost always better to go for organics.

This low-quality food almost always contains harmful dyes, food coloring, artificial flavors, preservatives and antibiotics, and over time, the indigestible parts of these foods build up and get so bad in the dog's system that the seizures occur.

Bad food is not the only reason for seizures in dogs, though. If they have had concussions in the past, if they have ever had heartworms, if you have plants around the house that are toxic to them, or if you put fertilizers or chemicals anywhere near your home - these are all conditions that lead to the possibility of seizures. There is also the issue of genetics, and certain breeds and known to be more susceptible than others to having them occur.

If you dog is having seizures, it may have other signs of poor health as well, from itchy skin to infections, losing hair and shedding to having joint pain and other arthritis. Though these conditions do not indicate each other, poor health may be the base cause of both.

So if you love your dog, make sure to know the signs and symptoms of seizures in dogs, and be prepared to head to the vet if you need to in order to learn what you can do to keep your pet healthy and happy.

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