
Worms In Dogs: 10 Facts You Need To Know

Nobody likes the thought that their pet may be carrying worms: the thought of living, wriggling, repulsive, slimy parasites inside our pets fills us with horror. Added to this, there's the fear that dog worms can cause illness – in pets, and indee...

Make Vet Visits Fun

Visiting a vet can be stressful for dogs, since they don't want to face any pain when they are prodded or poked during an examination. Full of scary sounds, unknown animals, strange people and funny smells, the prodding and poking that the dog...

Picking The Right Treatment And Vet For Your Pet

Did you just go out and get yourself a new pet? Well, you have done something that gives you a whole lot of responsibility. It isn’t like you can leave it to its own devices. You have to think about feeding your new pet, keeping it healthy and sa...

Luxating Patella: A Common Knee Problem in Dogs

Most dogs enjoy running and playing outdoors; unfortunately, they are often slowed down by knee problems. A dog's knee is similar to a human's. The most common ligament that gets torn in most dogs is known as cranial cruciate ligament; thus re...

What Is Kennel Cough?

Kennel cough is an illness that dogs can suffer from. It is difficult to watch your friend suffer from it but it is usually not fatal. The symptoms, actually, can be confused with the flu. It can last up to several weeks and will sometimes cle...

Kennel Cough - How to Properly Treat Your Dog

Kennel cough is a term that is used to describe viral and bacterial infections causing inflammation of a canine's windpipe and voice box. It is also a form of bronchitis in dogs which is the same as chest cold in humans. Usually, this dog heal...

Luxating Patella in Dogs

Luxating patella is essentially a displacement or dislocation of the patella (also known as the knee cap) from its normal position in the groove at the end of the femur (the trochlea). The patella is at the lower end of the quadriceps group of...

Importance Of Good Veterinary Care For Your Puppy

It is important to have all of the equipment needed to raise a puppy, but good veterinary care for your growing puppy is essential to good health. Puppies need to be vaccinated every couple of weeks or so just like human babies to ensure that ...

Canine Vaccinations

Every year you receive the "Reminder" postcard from your veterinarian, your dog needs his annual booster shots. Dog vaccinations are very important for the long term health of your puppy or dog. Vaccinating every year is not only unnecessary, ...

10 Simple Facts About Demodectic Mange Treatment Explained

If you're wanting some simple facts about demodectic mange treatment, then you will want to read this article. You will get an idea about what is involved in treatment, if demodex mange is contagious and what important nutrient is needed to spe...