
Is Your Dog Human?

Let's face it: We love dogs.Sharing our lives with dogs has changed dramatically over the past couple of decades, and by and large that's been a good thing for them. Better treatment of canines, better understanding of the species as a whole by e...

Finding a Non-Quack Expert

It may feel bad to acknowledge them when they happen, but dog behaviour problems are known to occur in the best families. It's nobody's fault. The thing about getting professional help from a behaviour consultant is that you know that there is no...

What Makes Dogs Anxious?

Dogs get anxious about all sorts of things, and while we can understand some of them, like being afraid of thunderstorms, others are much harder to work out, like being scared of men with beards, or people wearing hats.

Prepare Your Dog for July 4th!

The 4th of July with its parades, celebrations, and traditional fireworks displays can be a very stressful time for dogs. With the extra excitement; perhaps a change in routine; new guests in the home, can all contribute to build stress in a ...

Dog Psychology

To understand dog psychology, we need to understand dog behavior, by learning to read and interpret their body language. It is a scientific fact that all species, both human and animal, have more in common in terms of physical traits than they have differences. We are all regulated by hormones and controlled by enzymes. This pattern of similarity between the species is particularly marked between man and dog, who seem to have had a particularly close symbiotic relationship developed over thousands of years.

How to Help Your Dog Being Alone

Separation anxiety can be one of the most distressing things a dog can experience. Unfortunately, this agonising condition occurs in about ten percent of all dogs - making it one of the most common of all dog behaviour disorders. In fact, it's so common that you might almost think dogs and separation anxiety go hand in hand.

How To Deal With Dog Separation Anxiety Naturally

If you have a dog that tears up the house when you're gone, or chews his own fur until he's raw he may not be a "bad boy." Instead, it may be a sign of a serious psychological problem in dogs known as separation anxiety. When Fritz pulls up the l...

Your Dog Is Not Bad - He Is Probably Just Bored

If your dog does not have enough to do and is suffering from boredom this is likely to lead to your dog misbehaving. So if you are suffering from dog behaviour problems, it might not be that you have a bad or abnormal dog, he (or she) might just ...

Dog Scared of Other Dogs

Dogs scared of other dogs and animals. This is a socialisation issue. What has caused this issue? Well there are a number of things:

Dealing With Food Aggression In Dogs

Among the serious problems with behaviour of dogs is what owners call dog aggression. This problem, if left unchecked, grows to even a worse problem called violence. However, many people take this for granted because they do not understand that i...