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Thugs Blow Up Dog

  • 17/09/2010


A young dog has become one of the early victims of Halloween savagery, after its jaw was blown off when thugs apparently stuck a lit firework into its mouth.

Garddog2_indo_686045t.jpgai are now trying to track down a group of youths behind the horrific incident which happened on Cardiffsbridge Road in Finglas, Dublin, about 6.30pm on Wednesday.

The small tan terrier, believed to be two or three years old, was probably somebody's pet, the DSPCA believes.

Operations manager Orla Aungier said it was difficult to judge the the dog's age because of the damage to its mouth. All its teeth were blown out.

"The female dog was in good body weight and appeared to be somebody's pet, but we still do not know who the owner is."

Horrified members of the public began ringing gardai and the society around the same time on Wednesday night. When a DSPCA inspector got to the scene gardai had managed to contain the dog.

"The entire bottom jaw was blown off. There was no bone left. It was just pulp. The injuries were horrific. She lost a huge amount of blood.


"She was taken to our veterinary surgeon who was on standby. There was no alternative but to put it to sleep," said Ms Aungier.

"It is deeply concerning particularly if it was a deliberate act. It is alleged that the fire work was put in its mouth. Our inspector took about seven quick calls from gardai and people looking for help. He was told the firework was put in the dog's mouth."dog1_indo_686043t.jpg

"We are in shock and appalled. It also highlights the danger of fireworks being so easily available, even though they are illegal.

"We are appealing to anyone that has any information to contact the gardai or the DSPCA."

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Comments (109)

Said this on 18/09/2010 At 05:47 pm

Thugs, is too kind a word for these monsters, name and shame - name and shame.

Said this on 18/09/2010 At 05:02 pm

Who is letting these fireworks into the country.  People are not doing their jobs somewhere I believe.  These people should be caught so dont protect them bring them to a place like the Phoenix Park where we can all clap when somebody puts a banger in their mouth ears and up their arse.  This disgusts me and makes me very angry.  Year in year out it is the same.  No doubt this poor unfortunate dog had to be put down.  How come people like these wont get cancer and get a horrific death it's always the good people.  I like people who like animals they always are good natured.  People who hate animals and have no feeling are rats!!!

Said this on 30/10/2010 At 02:43 am

Rats are actually highly intelligent and loving creatures. If you love animals, don't compare sick humans with  innocent animals. Compare them with the other sick humans.

Said this on 19/09/2010 At 09:13 pm

I am so with you on this!!

R. Doyle
Said this on 19/09/2010 At 03:08 pm

Fireworks are easily available on the internet unfortunately and arrive discreetly by post. It is dispicable and the only way to stop that I guess would be for all parcel post to be scanned. 

Said this on 19/09/2010 At 12:30 pm

Sorry but the rats are not so moron and cruel ! otherwise that sure someone did done his work... I think the parents of these poor weaks !

Said this on 18/09/2010 At 09:13 pm

I have to agree afterall if it was done to a human being they wouldnt get away with for long.... Bring down the monsters and let this poor pet get justice...

Said this on 18/09/2010 At 07:21 pm

I agree but if there were no fireworks, the scum would find some other depraved way to behave

Said this on 19/09/2010 At 01:01 pm

I agree.

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