
Breeds Notorious For House Training Problems

Several breeds of dog are commonly known to be difficult to house train. The explanation for house training issues often depends on what breed you have chosen. Hounds, both sight and scent, get distracted in the blink of an eye. They either see...

Rewarding Dogs

In the world of raising and training dogs, the best outcome occurs when you have that special bond; when there is a "give me what I want, and I'll give you what you want" partnership. The canine cop gets to catch the bad guys, and his dog gets t...

Free To A Good Home - Training The New Pet Owner (Part1)

Being unaware causes many dog owners to feel they've got the

"Lie Down" ...

Think it's about time your dog knew how to 'lie down'? Why you want to teach your dog to lie down, I don't know. I personally don't teach mine that. I teach them to sit - and sit means sit, stay, don't move, just sit. I don't teach 'stay' I just t...

Lead Training

Leash/lead - it's always the person at the end of it that determines how well the canine attached to it behaves!

Clicker Training

Click!Today's tip comes courtesy of Jocelyn Toner BVSc MRCVS DipCABT

Choosing a Trainer

Selecting a dog trainer - should you ever need to - is a decision that can't be taken lightly. Here we'll advise how to go about it.You have the dog, you have the lead, and you've read all the books and seen all the videos. Unfortunately leads, bo...

Training recall using a whistle ...

Teach your dog to recall first time, every time!Today we're going to look at one of the most common behaviour complaints that dog owners report; the dog who won't come back (or comes back only when they feel like it).

Key secrets to remember in Dog Training

While training your dog please remember:

Is Dog Obedience School for You?

Are you thinking about dog obedience school? Do you know what to expect out of it? Do you know what it costs or where to find a good school?If not, let me help take out some of the mystery of finding one to make sure you and your dog get the best ...