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"Lie Down" ...

  • 23/06/2010

Think it's about time your dog knew how to 'lie down'?

Why you want to teach your dog to lie down, I don't know. I personally don't teach mine that. I teach them to sit - and sit means sit, stay, don't move, just sit. I don't teach 'stay' I just teach sit. To move, the dog would have needed to break the 'sit' and so if they did that, I wouldn't have taught the 'sit' right, would I?

But some folks like to have dogs who will lie down when they tell em' too. And my goal today is to show how you can do that, but I want to do it in the fewest words possible and without advising anyone to 'alpha roll' their pet or achieve the result using a big old stick. This is all about the carrot. Or in this case, cheese.

So the lesson starts now - you can start counting the words from here...

Get some cheese.
Dogs like cheese.
I hope yours does.

If it doesn't, get some other food. Ideally one that is not hard/crunchy and can be broken in small pieces.

Put dog on lead.

With dog in one hand, cheese in other, bend down on one knee creating an 'archway' with your other leg.

'Waggle' cheese on other side of archway so the dog has to 'crawl' through the arch to get to the cheese.

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