
How to Recognise & Respond to Dog Aggression

The purpose of this article is not a how-to on correcting the behaviour of an aggressive dog. That task is better left to dog trainers, veterinarians, and dog behaviourists. This article identifies seven basic types of dog aggression, however, a...

How To Prevent Dog Bites

It is very certain that there is no guarantee that your dog will never bite someone under any condition which you may not even predict. However, you can reduce the risk attached to dog bite. The popular saying is that prevention is better than cur...

How To Housebreak Your Dog ... Even If It's Still A Puppy.

The one unpleasant aspect of owning any puppy is the job of housebreaking. As cute as puppies are, each must be trained but remember that every puppy will conquer housebreaking although at a different rate. While some dog breeds can be housebroken...

How to Housebreak Your Dog or Puppy

Dogs are creatures of habit; and once they develop a habit, breaking it can be a long, frustrating process. Your dog needs guidance and encouragement from you to develop a toilet habit you can live with. Animal behaviourists have learned a lot ab...

How To Choose A Professional Dog Trainer

1) Versatility

How to become Top Dog: A Dog Owner's Guide to Sanity

Peeing on the carpet, knocking you down, or stealing dinner off the counter are all signs that your dog doesn't respect your rules. In other words, you are not the Alpha Dog.If you ever want to have a peaceful and happy relationship with your dog,...

How to become a successful Dog Trainer?

While reams have been written and expounded on training secrets and the psychology of the dog one often tends to forget that the

How To Avoid Bad Doggy Behaviour, And Teach Your Puppy Some Manners

A poorly trained dog can embarrass its owner and offend other people - or even make them feel threatened.Teaching your dog some manners is just common-sense. You did it with your children and your parents did it with you. If you had never learned ...

Housebreaking Your Dog

Dogs are creatures of habit; and once they develop a habit, breaking it can be a long, frustrating process. Your dog needs guidance and encouragement from you to develop a toilet habit you can live with. Animal behaviourists have learned a lot ab...

Handling Dogs Who Eat Their Own Feces

I have a cousin named Leonard who was in the Army during Vietnam.He and his fellow soldiers would often be in the jungle for several days at a time. The Army would supply them with MRE