Diet and Nutrition

Can Dogs Eat Seaweed?

The good health of your dog depends much on how you feed it. Food can be a double-edged word. In the one hand, it helps dogs to grow fast, healthy and strong but on the other hand but on the other hand, food can be a source of a life-threatening r...

A Raw Diet Could Be The Real Deal For Dogs

Research released last week has revealed two-thirds of dogs suffer from some sort of health issue such as allergies, dental or stomach problems. Bad breath is the most common problem (26 percent) and over 20 per cent admit their dog is overweight....

What’s In Dentastix?

Bacon causes cancer, cow’s milk causes acne and gluten cause IBS. Our Facebook feeds constantly plug us with information on which foods we should avoid. The same is true for dogs, yet they remain hidden in one of the UK’s most popular products. He...

Preventing Sickness Or Allergies When Feeding Our Pets

Dogs are just as big a part of our family as our children and so we love them and treat them just like our biological offspring. This includes keeping them safe from possible harm from poisons and other dangerous chemicals. As responsible pet owne...

High Quality Dog Food - The Best Bone for Dog

I would like to share some information of why raw meaty bones are being the best choices to be feed to our dog as a very high quality dog food. But you have to make sure it is not a cooked bone as cooked bone gives more disadvantages rather tha...

5 Surprising Human Foods That Could Kill Your Dog

Anyone who owns a dog must acknowledge a universal truth about her beloved companion: he has a bottomless pit for a stomach. You may often find your companion underfoot, or under the kitchen table, gazing up at you with those loving, pleading eyes...

How Nutritional Supplements For Dogs Are Important For Their Health

It is important for a pet owner to take care of his dog’s health. Dog owners know that their pets won’t last longer than humans, and they need to do something to prolong their live. For them to do that, they should be open to something that could ...

Top 5 Dog Food Myths Debunked!

The biggest dog food myth of all time was the belief that dogs should only be fed cooked, processed, and preserved dog food day after day. The truth is, people made this myth up years and years ago when dog food was first created so that money ...

Taking the Anxiety Out of Cooking For Our Dogs

If you’re nervous about feeding your dog home-cooked food, you’re not alone. Many dog owners have concerns about the time involved, the cost and the consequences of failing to include the right ingredients to keep their furry friends healthy. ...

What To Feed Your Pit Bulls? 4 Things To Consider

Pit bull is the general term used to describe the American pit bull terrier breed. Hereditarily, pit bulls are strong and energetic. They also have lean and powerful builds which makes their diet a bit specialized. Generally, the ideal pit bull d...