German Shepherd Dog Breed Articles

Potty Training a German Shepherd Pup

A German Shepherd puppy is one of the best presents you can give your children. These puppies are trainable and faithful.German Shepherds are great for tasks and even as sentry dogs. Your children and you also adore its handsome yet reserved-look...

How to Stop Aggressive German Shepherd Behaviour

Indiscriminate aggression is not a representative breed feature for a German Shepherd. Violence is not synonymous with being protective. Dogs that protect their homes do so when there's a legitimate reason for them to act, such as a thief or inte...

Stop German Shepherd Puppy Biting

One of the reasons why law enforcers and military staff can do their jobs properly is the skilled German Shepherds that help them discover what they need to locate. These dogs can also be the best dogs for a huge family. German Shepherds are inhe...

Training Your German Shepherd to Stop Barking

German shepherds are renowned pets due to several reasons. They are very loyal and they are burly enough to serve as guards. It is a great idea to get a German shepherd for a dog. But if your German shepherd is untrained, you might feel like you'...

Prevent German Shepherd Chewing

Chewing behaviour can manifest in any breed of dog, especially through the early phases of life. These puppies tend to chew on anything they can get their paws on! Commonly, German Shepherd puppies think they are playing when they chew on your th...

Controlling Aggressive German Shepherd Behaviour

Anybody would let you know that a German shepherd is a good dog to own. They are faithful, intelligent and can risk their life to save their owner. However, do note that not just any person can own a German shepherd. A German shepherd requires an...

The Value of German Shepherd Obedience Training

German Shepherds are extremely trainable, and they can be faithful. They have an aptitude for learning. It doesn't require to much training to make your puppy learn the necessary instructions. Your dog will become a really great companion if he i...

A Brief Guide About German Shepherds

German Shepherds are large-sized dogs that were originated in Germany in the late 19th century. They are very popular with people because their fearless yet approachable personalities allow them to perform many important functions.This popularity...

The German Shepherd Temperament

Many people who are interested in protector companion dogs look to the German shepherd as a reliable and trustworthy breed. Temperament may or may not be a product of inheritance and breeding, but the shepherd's temperament is definitely a r...

Tips to Train a German Shepherd

German Shepherd Dogs, also known as Alsatian Dogs, are among the most sought-after breeds of dogs. Known for their loyalty and intelligence, they are ideal as companion pets, though they also function as police or farm dogs. They are very regardf...