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Stop German Shepherd Puppy Biting

  • 12/12/2011

One of the reasons why law enforcers and military staff can do their jobs properly is the skilled German Shepherds that help them discover what they need to locate. These dogs can also be the best dogs for a huge family. German Shepherds are inherently aggressive but this characteristic can be controlled. Actually, it is a gentle dog breed with a "bad boy" reputation.

If these dogs are really loving, why are they known for biting behaviour? A puppy might bite for a number of justified reasons because it is an animal with an integral instinct! When stimulated by the situation, biting behaviour may arise. There are quite a few reasons for this:

Bad conduct by the owner: Some owners recklessly allow their pets to bite things.

Being defencive: German Shepherds protect the home and backyard (and kids) the way their ancestors have handled sheep in ranches.

Domination: A German Shepherd is a natural boss, and will fight you for this position if you show weakness. In the first place, you should dissuade this conduct. You should stay firm and act appropriately as the leader of your household. Be commanding when it comes to your pet.

If a dog is pressed to a corner and is fearful, he may nibble. Very shy canines often react this way because of insufficient social interaction. An older dog may have been raised poorly.

Mature and adult German shepherds require more training and persistence if they're in the habit of biting. While still young, ensure that the German Shepherd is trained enough. This dog breed will learn from his mistake and will try to do away with the habit if there is enough motivation from you. Even an adult German Shepherd can be taught if the owner is dedicated. The habit can be broken with firm and imposing schooling.

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