
How to Include Your Dog in Holiday Festivities

The Holidays are a special time. Everyone has things that they look forward to as the season approaches, be it gifts, family gatherings, food, or all of the above. With more than enough holiday spirit and good cheer to go around, why should th...

Spreading Holiday Cheer With A Therapy Dog

The holidays can be a fun and festive time, but for those who are ill or unhappy, the cheerful days surrounding Thanksgiving, Hanukah, Christmas, and New Years can be especially miserable. Your buddy Charlie makes you smile every day, so why n...

Christmas Trees and Dogs

Christmas and the holidays are a time meant for happy memories and fun experiences, not a trip to the emergency vet. One of the best parts of Christmas for many people is a beautiful live Christmas tree. As lovely as they are, they can be dang...

Keep the Holidays Joyful Using These Family Pet Tips

Keeping our pets protected is critical any time of the year, but with the holidays coming up fast, I would like to spread some advice on holiday pet safety. When you bring a brand new tree into the home, especially a real tree, there is no tel...

Holiday Time: Your Dog and You

Navigate a potentially dangerous holiday season with your dog by watching your surroundings. Dogs like spending time with their owners keep the holidays safe and less stressful by knowing what puts your dog at risk. The Trouble With All That F...