
Canine Massage Therapy Succeeds

Exhaustion, excitement, curiousity and intense interest led me into tedious research to have my own dogs Churchill Graham and Francesca Le Bon Bon, both Labradors Retrievers, recover from disease, anxieties, and poor muscular strength due to t...

How to Get your Cat or Dog to Swallow / Take Tablets and Pills

Most dog or cat owners at some time have had the challenge of getting their beloved pet to swallow a tablet, whether for worming purposes, antibiotics or regular medicine such as heart tablets. Now many of these tablets are described on the p...

Tips for Caring for Indoor Dogs

Caring for an indoor dog is very different from caring for a dog that lives outside. In many ways, it is a far greater responsibility. If you are thinking of getting a dog who will live solely inside the house or if you need tips on how to tak...

Why Dogs Have Tear Stains And How To Minimise Them

The basic reason dogs have tear stains on their face is because they are shedding tears instead of the tears draining properly into their tear ducts. There can be other reasons for dogs to have tears. Short-nosed breeds often have shallow eye ...

How Eating Too Fast Can Be Harmful to Your Dog: From Simple Choking to Deadly Canine Bloat

Dogs with a tendency to eat too fast are at higher risk for developing bloat. It is very important to feed such dogs from an elevated dog feeder, since raised dog feeders are at a more natural body level and make dogs more comfortable. Adding ...

How To Fix Smelly Dog Breath

A dog's bad breath is one means nature has of telling you that your dog has a problem and your attention is needed.While about 90 percent of the dogs that suffer from halitosis do so because of improper dental care, the others could very well hav...

How to Give Your Dog a Pill

If the thought of giving your dog a pill fills you with dread, you probably have one of those pets that will not take a pill no matter how you disguise it. Luckily, there's a straightforward way to make your dog take her medication. Giving You...

How to Pill Your Dog

Regardless of their age or temperament, dogs and medicine don't get along. Dogs are notoriously worse than cats when it comes to tricking them into taking their medication; hide one small pill in a piece of your dog's food, and you'll find a c...

Thundershirt Reviews - How to Relieve Your Dog's Anxiety Using a Wrap

Dogs are prone to experiencing anxiety attacks when they hear strange and loud noises or when they first see unfamiliar faces. This compels their owners to try all available solutions in order to spare their pets from troublesome experiences. In ...

Proper Outdoor Care For Your Dog

Whatever type of climate you live in, be it blisteringly hot, biting cold, somewhere in between or - like the UK - all three on the same day, your dog should never be left alone outdoors for long periods without proper living conditions and acces...