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Why Beagles Make Great Pets

  • 31/10/2010

If you are thinking about getting a dog for your family then I would strongly recommend that you consider getting a beagle. I have been raising beagles for over thirteen years and I truly enjoy teaching people about beagle puppies and adult beagles. Beagles make great family pets because they are one the calmest dog breeds, they do not require extreme amounts of care, and they are absolutely wonderful with children.

The calmest of the dogs that we have had over the years were our beagles. Beagles are one of the friendliest dogs and they love nothing more than curling up to their special companion. If you are looking for a buddy, then you should really consider getting a beagle. Beagle puppies are rather playful and just most puppies, they do require a bit a play time each day. However, when a beagle puppy matures they turn into one of the calmest pets ever. One of our beagles reminded us of an old man at a very young age. He would just mosey around the house wagging is tail and he was always so happy whenever he came across someone. He was spunky as pup, but as he grew up most his days were spent relaxing.

Another great thing about beagles is that they are rather easy to maintain. Aside from their ears, they are rather self sufficient. Beagles were originally bred as hunting dogs and were often kept in pens outside. They are not a breed that requires much pampering. Beagles have a short coat and they shedding in minimal. You can brush your beagle if you would like but it really isn't necessary. This breed is usually free of odor as well. It would be wise to have them bathed a few times a year but that should be fine. The one thing that you will have to do is make sure that your beagle's ears are clean. Beagles, like many hounds, can develop problems with their ears if they are not properly cleaned.

Lastly the best thing about beagles is that they are so great children. Because beagles are calm and gentle they make excellent playmates for children. Beagle puppies love to romp around with children and because of their size; they are really good with even small children. Beagle puppies love to track. You can actually purchase animal scents and set up little hunting games for them. Beagles just love this!

Beagle puppies will grow up into a very sweet addition to any family. I would strongly suggest looking into getting a beagle puppy for your family if you are considering getting a dog. You will not be disappointed!

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Comments (2)

Said this on 12/01/2018 At 05:11 pm

I have two beagles of my own and I have a quick question. Do you recommend keeping them outside or inside. I use them a lot for rabbit hunting and also I find that what you said is very helpful for somone who is a new beagle owner.

Said this on 12/11/2015 At 02:21 pm

Hi I am collecting my 1st family puppy (a beagle) In a couple of weeks. I have a 3 year old and a 1 year old at home so hes mainly for them . I just have a question. I am buying him from a breeder which is heavily involved with hunting them. Would this make a difference to my pup as I'm just keeping him as a house dog? Thanks 

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