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Whippet Training - Breed Specific Techniques For Faster and Easier Training

  • 27/11/2010

The Whippet is a lean, clean, athletic dog with a fine and short coat. They excel in jobs that involve speed and hard work. They are muscular and strong, and graceful and elegant. The Whippets make excellent companions. Whippets have been successfully employed as racing and working dogs as well.

Though the Whippet is quite intelligent, you will have to be very persistent while teaching him because he is rather slow in learning. If you are patient and gentle with him, you can train your Whippet for racing or any other job.

You will enjoy Whippet training if you start very early. It will turn out to be a fun and rewarding experience. It is a good idea to begin with the elementary training program, which is neither too expensive nor too taxing for your dog. If you are committed to the task of training him, you will succeed in no time.

Whippets belong to the sight-hound family not known for being an obedient breed of dogs. However, you can teach him the rules of your house. The best part is that Whippet training is not a one-way process; you will learn quite a few things from him as well. Many trainers believe that training a Whippet is quite therapeutic for them. He will give you lessons in controlling your temper and trying out your patience. So, get ready to have fun.

When you bring your puppy home you separate him from his mother. At this time, your best ally in this transition will be a crate of the proper size. He will feel safe and secure in it and you will have a clean house. Start the potty training for your puppy dog immediately. Take him to the designated spot after play, a nap and a meal. You can use a crate to housebreak your dog. Encourage your pet to use the crate, and make it inviting with food, toys and soft bedding.

Don't train when you are tired or upset. It is best to train your dog before meals and after exercise. He will be more relaxed and open to learning. Keep a positive attitude. Reward the success, ignore the failure. Whippet training can be fun and easy. Whippets are natural followers.

Keep your instructions short and sweet. Keep the training sessions short because your dog has an attention span of five to ten minutes only. Always end on a happy note and never on a mistake. If necessary go back one step, ask for an easy exercise and give your pet the chance to end on a successful note.

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