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Where to Get Your Standard Poodle

  • 26/11/2010

Owning a Standard Poodle can be a challenging task. It requires a lot of time to care for and groom considering this breed's dense coat that grows on and on just like the human hair does. Besides that, you also have to provide proper nutrition, exercise and training to keep your dog in shape in addition to increasing prices of pet supplies and products. But if you have decided that you are in for a new dog, you have to take careful considerations in choosing your perfect canine friend.

There are several places where one can buy a Standard Poodle from.

Dog breeders. The first option is usually to purchase from a dog breeder. Look for responsible breeders for they are a good source of high quality dogs. They provide healthy puppies raised in healthy environment. A good dog breeder is concerned of the dog's welfare - not after the money. When buying from a dog breeder, check the other dogs in their care and if possible, ask if you can see the parents. If not sure where to find a responsible breeder, contact any dog clubs to ask which breeders they recommend.

Dog shelters. Dog shelters are a good source of dogs for adoption. But do not expect that you can always get a young pup from this place. Dogs for adoption are usually grown dogs and may have been housetrained and vaccinated already. There are also rescue groups for specific breeds. Adopting a dog is also a way of helping a good cause and saving an innocent dog that may otherwise be put down.

Pet stores. Many people do not consider pet stores ideal place to buy dogs. Despite of their advertisements or claims, many of them purchase dogs from puppy mills.

Online. Online shopping is a hit right now - even shopping for pets. But don't be fooled by great website and fancy advertisement claiming high quality pups. When buying online, make sure that you are dealing with a responsible breeder. Check the background of the dog breeder to make sure that they are not puppy mills. Ask the seller everything you want to know about the dog.

Classifieds. The classifieds can be a good place to find a dog usually sold in an inexpensive price. But beware because some dogs may have behavior and health issues and have not received appropriate care they needed in order to become healthy.

People should remember that one way for a happy dog ownership is finding the right dog. So choose carefully...

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