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What's the Problem With a Bichon Frise?

  • 31/10/2010

Have you ever considered adopting a Bichon Frise dog? Though there are many dog breeds out there that will make great pets, this particular breed stands out from the rest in many areas. Most importantly, this dog is ideal for families looking to adopt a family pet. Bichon Frise dogs are small, however they are not yippy. They have loving personalities and are agreeable with other pets, other people and especially children. Families with small children will be especially pleased with Bichon Frise dogs because they are small themselves, as they usually grow no larger than twelve inches tall.

For some potential owners, these positive qualities are enough to seal the deal. Yet, others are deterred by the tendency of Bichon Frise dogs to be high maintenance when it comes to grooming and exercise. Most of all, however, people have problems with the Bichon Frise's reputation for being nearly impossible to train.

To say that training Bichon Frise dogs is impossible might be a slight exaggeration. However, they are known for being one of the most difficult dogs to train. Despite being quite intelligent and obedient dogs, many Bichon Frise pups have a difficult time learning basic commands because they can be stubborn and hardheaded. One of the biggest problems with Bichon Frise training is housetraining. Most Bichon Frise dogs have a difficult time with this particular aspect of training.

For many owners, the solution to this has been crate training. Crate training is a popular training method that has been proven to work in many situations. Another tip for training Bichon Frise dogs is to begin training them when they're young. Also, using positive reinforcement can work wonders when training Bichon Frise dogs as well. Your Bichon Frise dog will be more likely to respond to praise and treats than reprimands. Finally, make sure to keep an eye on your puppy when they are new to the household-this alone can prevent many possible problems with your Bichon Frise.

With most things in life, you must be able to take the bad along with the good. This is also true of Bichon Frise dogs. While there are some Bichon Frise problems to be aware of that include regular exercise procedures, a frequent grooming routine, and problems with training, these dogs are sweet and lovable. Once you have trained your Bichon Frise dog, he or she will prove to be a loyal companion who you will treasure immensely. The training process is only the beginning of the experiences you will share.

This process doesn't have to be hard, as you can get help from an abundance of resources. Experts will often recommend basic obedient school for your Bichon Frise dog as a precedent to any training by the owner. Additionally, you can find plenty of advice in dog training books on how to best train your pooch. Finally, seek the advice of the dog lovers around you. However you go about doing it, taking the time to train your Bichon Frise is time well spent.

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