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What You Must Check When You Buy an English Springer Spaniel Puppy

  • 15/11/2010

Buying an English Springer Spaniel puppy is the first step on the long road of fun and companionship with these wonderful animals. So, it is important to get it right and these tips will help you do that. There is a saying "let the puppy choose you", but that is all right up to a point, as you still want to be sure that the new puppy is basically healthy.

If you have done all the preliminary checks on the pup - parents' pedigree, prize winners in last two generations and so on then we come to the finer points.

A pup is by definition very young, so we will not know how it will grow, and therefore have to rely on the look of the parents. The things we can check on the mother (and maybe the father too if he is around) without being judging experts are:

1. From the side, is the body basically square - height equal to length is good?

2. The forelegs - does the mother stand with pigeon toes or with paws splayed, or ideally paws straight ahead?

3. Are the hindquarters muscular and strong looking and are the rear paws pointing forward? Judging the hocks and quarters is a matter for the expert eye, but the rear legs should have a moderate rake back, and should not be vertical or raked too much.

4. The base of the tail should run parallel with the dog's back and not rise above it.

5. The paws should look like a continuation of the legs and the toes should not be splayed.

6. The coat should be glossy and healthy looking, and not coarse or curly.

7. Besides basic liver and white or black and white coloring, some tan markings are acceptable, but only on the eyebrows, on the cheeks, inside the ears, under the tail, and sparely on the lower legs. Blue roan is an acceptable color in the US.

If the mother checks out well in these respects, and has a good natural gait with the legs swinging straight forward then that should all be a good indicator for her pups.

On the pup, the checks should be as follows (besides the others listed in the second paragraph):

1. A liver coloring should be rich and dark.

2. A wavy coat in a pup is not a good sign for an adult show dog - check the coat behind the head and down the neck and back. Showing may not be important to you but a wavy coat will require more grooming.

3. Deep blue eyes which are not running or weeping (deeper color now means a deeper hazel color in maturity).

4. A cold wet nose with no pink patches.

5. A coat which is smooth and glossy.

6. Check the teeth for correct bite - upper teeth have a close overlap on the lower teeth and the jaw is set square.

7. Check the testicles to see that they are both descended (this would be by 6-8 week of age). If the pup is older than 8 weeks then both testicles must be fully descended for a show-line dog.

8. The pup should not be too thin or appear fat, and a big tummy could point to worms.

These checks are fairly basic, but if you are serious about showing and winning prizes with your English Springer Spaniel puppy then you should check the Breed Standard in more depth for your particular country. Breed Standards are not totally consistent internationally.

The above checklist is not exhaustive but will give a good general indication of the pup's likely development.

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