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What is a Neapolitan Mastiff?

  • 23/11/2010

A Neapolitan Mastiff is a large member of working class dogs that is used for home protection, family companionship and in the show ring. The breed is massive in stature and descended from the war dog breed Molossus, from the Middle East. As a dog breed who was originally intended to fight against bears, lions and gladiators, it was originally intended for the dog to be used for entertainment purposes. However, the breed was also used in war, most notably, fighting along side of the Romans during the European conquest, and the breed spread quickly throughout the region.

A Neapolitan Mastiff is large-boned and massive, topping the scales between 150-200 pounds. A Neapolitan Mastiff is a an expressive dog, with masses of loose skin hanging from the head and body. The dog has a bear-like gait and is slow, capable of covering a large amount of territory when necessary, though seldom gallops. The breed coat is featured in shades of brown,white and some have tan striping which has colors ranging from fawn, black, gray or mahogany red. A Neapolitan Mastiff might also have patches of white or cream on the chest or around the feet, and ears can be left natural or cropped.

As far as temperament, a Neapolitan Mastiff is protective and fiercely loyal. The breed loves human interaction and is good for apprising owners to the presence of strangers. The Neapolitan Mastiff seldom barks without reason and will only bark excessively when provoked into doing so. Stubborn by nature, the dog does not need much training, but once he or she understands what is expected, will easily comply.

A Neo Mastiff, by breed is prone to having a dominant attitude,so it is important to make sure the dog understands from a young age, that you are the alpha personality. Males of the breed are generally more aggressive and dominant than female counterparts. Female Neapolitan Mastiffs tend to interact better with young children and are more docile in nature, however the breed tends to get along quite well with children as a rule. Males Neapolitan Mastiffs do not get along well with other males of the breed because of having a dominant personality, however they do bond well with other types of pets, especially if raised with the pet from a young age. A male Neapolitan Mastiff has a tendency to drool a lot, particularly in hot conditions or after drinking or eating.

Because of its excessive wrinkles, a Neapolitan Mastiff tends to require extra care and grooming efforts. You will need to commit to a regular bathing schedule and keep the face and body clean. It is important to pay extra attention to the wrinkles as well, because trapped dirt and oils can lead to a smelly coat and the development of skin conditions which may cause infections. Be sure to keep the face and wrinkles extra clean and dry, this is a good way to prevent any problematic skin conditions.

A Neo Mastiff is prone to obsessive-compulsive behavior, arthritis and hip/elbow dysplasia. The breed is also highly prone to being near-sighted and sensitive to sedatives and anesthesia. Because they do not cope well with heat, a Neapolitan Mastiff should always have access to clean drinking water and shaded areas.

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