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What is a Boxer Dog Puppy?

  • 31/10/2010

Boxer Dog Puppy - A Wonderful Breed

To a casual onlooker the Boxer dog puppy may appear to be a fairly unattractive and awkward animal, but upon closer scrutiny this idea is quickly dispelled because we can quickly see the aptitude and grace of the Boxer dog puppy.

This particular breed has many good qualities and is well liked by both experts in the field and dog lovers alike.

The consummate Boxer dog puppy is generally described as being mid sized, with a well muscled physique, and is a very intelligent dog. They have a square build with very short hair and one of most extraordinary features is the boxer dog puppy muscularity, which is generally well defined without an ounce of extra fat.

The Boxer dog puppy will walk with his head raised high with a strong, steady gait. The Boxer dog puppy is a very intelligent breed, you can see this in their eyes, they always seem to be on the ready, and alert.

The Boxer dog puppy is considered to have a medium build, and generally should not be any taller than twenty five inches for the full grown male boxer dog and approximately twenty three inches for the female boxer dog.

One of the main familiar attributes of the Boxer dog puppy is the very distinctive shape of the head. If one were to take a measurement from the end of the boxer dog's nose to the back of his head, the muzzle would take up one third of the space.

The boxer dog's color should be any shade of brown and also be in proportion with to the skull.

The Boxer dog's ears have been clipped for almost as long as the breed has been in existence, albeit a growing number of boxer dog puppy owners are preferring to leave the ears intact.

When one look's at the body of a Boxer dog, one of the first thing's you will see is that there is little or no excess skin hanging off of the body.

The Boxer dog puppy should have a highly muscled neck and a firm muscular back.

The Boxer dog's color is one attribute that endears it to the owner. They will generally have two different colors, faun as well as a dark brown brindled color generally with a white splotch on the chest.

A boxer dog puppy breeder will generally consider too much white as an unattractive attribute to the breed. There is considerable heavy debate in the boxer dog puppy breeding field as to whether or not a fully white colored Boxer dog puppy should be considered part of the boxer breed.

Over the years, the Boxer dog puppy breed has evolved into what is known and recognized as the modern Boxer dog. The boxer dog may come in various sizes and colors, it is the distinctive markings of the Boxer dog which all know and love to be of the Boxer dog puppy breed.

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