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Weimaraner Training Suggestions

  • 26/11/2010

Weimaraners were originally bred for the purposes of sport and hunting because these dogs have plenty of personality, exceptional sense of smell and a very playful nature. As they are hunting dogs, they have some aggressive nature which you can change if you properly train them at early age.

If you are determined to raise these charming animals as your pet, then you should prepare yourself to tackle with their aggression as well. The effective way to avoid this issue is to uphold an alpha leadership position over your weimaraner from the first day you bring them home.

Along with their potential aggression, they are quite prone to separation angst, which can be extremely very tough to handle if you neglect them. It may bring some unusual and abnormal behaviors in them which can worsen down too badly with your carelessness.

So, having a good relationship with your weimaraner can minimize their urgent desire to reunite. If you give proper attention to them before or after leaving the house, it will certainly help in preventing these problems to arrive.

Socializing is also important for your dog to become a disciplined and a well-behaved dog. So, if you have other pets such as rabbits, cats or dogs, make sure that they are frequently interacted with each other. This will help in maintaining a friendly and a family relationship among them and they will regard each other as the members of the family, not prey.

The common problem in these dogs is their abundance of high energy and anxiety. You can handle this by providing them lots of regular exercise and some obedience training. Weimaraner training can be worthwhile only when you follow the things that I have said earlier.

Finally, you will realise that weimaraner training will require a lot of time and patience. So, you need to be consistent, having a firm but kind attitude and always keep well defined, steady rules in your household so that they turn out to be strong, protective and obedient family dog.

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Comments (2)

Said this on 13/02/2011 At 12:46 pm

My weimariner seems to bit anti social is there any places to take him with supervised training so he can interact with other dogs of different sizes something like a creche....

Said this on 13/02/2011 At 12:55 pm

D ... I would honestly suggest you join our Community Forum and ask the question there, as I am sure someone would be able to help you out and point you in the right direction for socialisation classes.

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