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Weimaraner Puppy Training - Dealing With Your Weimaraner Puppy's Stubborn Streak

  • 26/11/2010

To be effective Weimaraner puppy training needs to acknowledge the breed's naturally strong and powerful personality with a definite stubborn streak. You will want to work with your puppy in achieving training goals. If you upset or frighten your puppy he will set his heels against you and training will become a nightmare. Training your puppy should be a cooperative exercise and for that to be effective you need to understand how your puppy thinks and processes commands. Consistency, specific, simple word commands and positive reinforcement are the tools you will use for training.

Your new Weimaraner puppy will be wondering who is new alpha is. In his life to this point he will have had litter mates and a mother to interact with and all of his behaviors will have been tailored to these family members. Your puppy will have no idea of what 'human rules' are and no concept of right and wrong as we view them. Consistency is your biggest ally in Weimaraner puppy training. If you do not want your puppy to jump up on strangers then you cannot allow him to jump up on yourself or any member of your family. If the couch is ever going to be off-limits, it must always be off limits. This type of consistency will help your puppy quickly understand the new hierarchy and acceptable behaviors.

You also need to use basic command words in a consistent manner. Say each command once and immediately award the proper response with kisses, petting or a treat. Your Weimaraner puppy will be anxious to please you and this type of positive reinforcement immediately tells him he has succeeded. Be sure to use the exact same word for each command every time. A big part of Weimaraner puppy training is word association and getting your puppy to understand that a given command is for an exact behavior.

If you work carefully and consistently from the moment you get your new puppy, Weimaraner puppy training will help you create a dog that is happy, well adjusted and well behaved. The same stubborn streak that can make untrained Weimaraner puppies so troublesome can also make them respond well to training and become the most attentive and responsive adult dogs. Remember that for dogs, learning human behaviors and manners is learning a new culture and language - patience, consistency and positive reinforcement are the keys.

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