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Using an Australian Shepherd As a Working Dog

  • 25/10/2010

The Australian Shepherd was originally bred to be a working dog. Many people when considering which dog breed to get, are simply unaware of all the possibilities of such a versatile breed like the Aussie. Most owners of Aussies use the dog for working purposes, and there are many ways that an owner can utilize this hard working breed.

Most Aussies are used on farms for herding purposes. The breed excels at this task, and they are commonly used for herding cattle, sheep and goats. The herding instinct is so strong in this breed that they make an excellent addition to a farm with livestock such as cows, sheep or goats.

When purchasing an Aussies for work purposes, it is important to start training the dog for the role of herding, as soon as possible. One of the most common problems that owners encounter when training an Australian Shepherd is discipline. However, if harsh words are used with an Australian Shepherd, the dog will react in a sensitive manner, much the same way it would if it were physically punished.

Reinforcing basic commands on a daily basis will help the dog become more receptive to further direction. Once the basic commands are learned, it will become easier to train your Australian Shepherd. Some of the basic commands that should be taught are sit, stay, come and lie down.

The Australian Shepherd are quick learners, and they have a tendency to pick up on commands quite quickly. The breed takes direction well and are very in tune of what is expected in terms of tasks and responsibilities. An Australian Shepherd has very good problem solving skills and are fast in figuring out dilemmas on their own.

When training an Aussie, it is important to establish a sense of dominance, so the dog knows who is in charge. Just like with any dog breed, it is important to teach basic obedience commands and an Australian Shepherd is no different. You will find it is much easier to train an obedient dog, than one who is allowed to run wild and misbehave.

When your Aussie is trained in the art of herding, they will become a valued working tool on the farm. This has made the Australian Shepherd very popular as a working breed. Many owners consider them to be one of the most important tools they work with on a daily basis. Because of their high energy personality, an Aussie will love the exercise that comes from herding, as well as the mental stimulation they receive.

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