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Understanding the Miniature Pinscher

  • 22/11/2010

The Miniature Pinscher isn't known as "The King of the Toy Dogs" for nothing! This small, yet energetic dog can be bossy and quite demanding. Also known as the Min-Pin, this petite canine originated in Germany and was first brought to the United States of America in the 1920s. Many people think that the Miniature Pinscher is related to the Doberman, however, this is simply a case of mistaken identity as there is actually no relation at all (they just look similar!).

The Miniature Pinscher is a small, sturdy and compact dog. They have muscular bodies and come in several colors including black and tan, chocolate and tan, blue and tan or solid red. They have smooth, easy to care for short coats. The original purpose of the Min-Pin was to hunt and kill rodents (they were known as small ratters). They are ten to twelve inches in height and weigh eight to twelve pounds. The Miniature Pinscher has a life expectancy of twelve to fourteen years so if you are thinking of adding one to your family, be prepared to make a LONG commitment!

So, how easy is the Miniature Pinscher to train? Unfortunately, they can be very stubborn which can make training difficult. The good news is that with patience, consistency and firm YET POSITIVE training techniques, it can be done! Miniature Pinschers tend to get bored easily making their attention span somewhat short. If you want to train your Min-Pin you must keep training sessions short and fun in order to be productive! Reward based training is best if you want to keep his interest piqued and it is important that you keep a sense of humor and remain calm when your Min-Pin doesn't follow direction. It is important to remember that training ANY DOG takes time, so patience truly is key!

The Miniature Pinscher often forgets how small he actually is (in his mind he is the size of a St. Bernard and acts like it!). These alert, often fearless dogs are extremely self confident and won't back down if confronted by another canine. It is very important that you socialize your Min-Pin early and often so that he knows how to get along with other dogs. As for children, the Min-Pin does well with children who know how to handle small dogs. The Miniature Pinscher needs to be treated with respect. They will not do well if mishandled or teased. People often forget that though the Min-Pin can be quite loud and energetic they are, in fact, small dogs and need to be handled as such.

Though small, Miniature Pinschers need a lot of exercise! If not exercised on a regular basis, these little dogs can quickly become bored and will look for other ways (that you might not like) to burn off excess energy (eating your shoes, ripping open your couch pillows, etc). Min-Pins that are not exercised enough often have a tendency to bark...a lot! The average Miniature Pinscher enjoys two walks per day plus adequate play time. It should be noted that due to their extremely short coat, the Min-Pin should wear a sweater during the cold winter months so that they do not become chilled and uncomfortable.

If you are looking for a loyal, energetic, loving and alert dog then the Miniature Pinscher might be the canine for you! Though they can be difficult to train and require a lot of exercise, these little dogs are fun and feisty. Though Min-Pins do well as apartment dogs, they also do well as suburban and country pets (they love to RUN and the country is ideal!). Please remember that no matter what breed you choose to add to your family, all dogs are life-long commitments and deserve to be treated with care and of course, lots of love! Woof!

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