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Understanding and Training Your Jack Russell Terrier

  • 20/11/2010

Jack Russell there anything cuter? I remember the first time I saw one; a co-worker had brought his to work with him and it was love at first sight. When he told me she was going to have puppies I said I had to have one. Mind you, I was not in the market for a dog at the time, but I couldn't resist the idea of owning one of these adorable little terriers. Adorable, yes, but as I came to learn later on they can also be stubborn and ornery.

Of course, I should have done some research on Jack Russell Terriers before bringing my puppy home; it would have saved me a lot of frustration. To begin with, just knowing what they were originally bred for will give you some inkling of what you might expect. In fact, Jack Russell Terriers were first bred by Rev. John Russell in 1795 for the purpose of chasing out foxes that had gone into their burrows. To do this they needed to possess a great deal of stamina and courage. Another attribute of this tenacious little terrier is the ability to temper their aggressiveness in order to pursue the quarry without harming it.

One key to understanding your Jack Russell Terrier is appreciating their intelligence. Don't forget that they are foremost a working terrier. These athletic little dogs are a high energy breed; sturdy, tough and fearless. Keeping these traits in mind makes it easy to understand why they require a great deal of exercise to keep from getting bored. It is quite possible for them to turn ornery and destructive when they don't have enough stimulation.

One of the best things you can do for yourself and your Jack Russell is to make sure he receives the proper training. The perfect time to begin is when he is still a young pup. Getting started early will allow you to develop a strong bond between you and your puppy and this in turn will make the whole training process simple and fun. Whatever methods you choose, training your Jack Russell will provide you with a dog that is both a valuable family member and a joy to be around.

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