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Training Lhasa Apso Puppies - The Right Mindset You Need to Train Your Lhasa Apso Dog

  • 22/11/2010

Lhasa Apsos are small dogs who are stubborn, yet friendly. They can be extremely obedient and affectionate with their master, but tend to be suspicious of others. Lhasa Apsos are also assertive which makes them not the best choice for households with children. This breed enjoys traveling and can be quite devoted to his owners.

Due to their stubborn nature, Lhasa Apsos are quick to adopt the Small Dog Syndrome. Yapping, nipping and aggressive behavior can all become apparent, if the dog is not trained by a firm, consistent master. Lhasa Apsos respond best to motivational behavior training where treats are the end reward. And here are some tips on the right way to approach training your new dog:

Acquiring an animal's admiration and confidence is the initial phase towards effectively training him. This phase is especially critical when training a dog. If a dog cannot distinguish a pack leader, then he accepts the position as leader.

By taking on the job of pack leader, you are making it simple for the dog to comprehend how he should act. Until your dog has grown to rely on and respect you, it will be tough for any training course to be successful. Your dog will come to regard and trust you in time, but first you have to handle him consistently and fairly. After the dog has learned to have confidence in and respect you, he or she will be surprised at how quickly the teaching sessions improve.

A lot of new dog owners misjudge adoration and affection for loyalty and respect. While a new puppy just begs to be held, make sure that you do not offer affection to your puppy at an unsuitable time. While a puppy is an exuberant power with which to be reckoned, it is valuable to establish some rules early on to acquire respectable habits. By setting up patterns for your dog to follow, you let him understand what you expect of him.

Dogs actually appreciate these types of boundaries, as they are similar to the rules that the pack leader sets up in nature. While the pack leader is at the head of the pack, each dog in the pack also holds an ordered place above and below his pack mates.

Good luck training your new Lhasa Apso puppy!

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