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Training Bulldog Puppies

  • 24/09/2012

Training a Bulldog is best done when it is still a puppy as with most other dogs. The whole idea is backed up by the fact that a dog has a longer time to grasp a particular routine if it starts training early. With this in mind, there are a few steps to consider when training bulldog puppies. Although training a puppy may not be an easy task, all it requires is strategy and dedication.

Once one gets the puppy it is imperative to immediately begin crate training. This is carried out quite simply. The first step would be to ensure that the puppy stays in the crate quietly for a short while then increase the length of time progressively until the puppy begins getting accustomed to staying in the kennel for long periods of time.

The next step would be to get a comfortable collar for the puppy. The collar should have enough room to facilitate the puppy's effortless and painless turning of the head. The collar is important especially when walking the puppy with the intention of getting it to familiarize with the surrounding. After so doing the puppy will get accustomed to meeting new people as well as other dogs hence a more relaxed tendency at a young age.

Reward methods provide one of the best criteria for training bulldog puppies. It's relevance is perhaps more vivid when teaching the dog simple commands. A dog owner should train the dog on how to respond to simple and basic commands such as sit, no, fetch among others. More difficult skills can be taught to the puppy slowly. However, the owner should be keen not to place physically intensive commands to a bulldog puppy because as they are prone to joint pains or deformities at a young age.

Potty training cannot miss on the list. A bulldog puppy owner should begin this as soon as possible. The puppy is guided on where to do their business and should be rewarded after they do it well. Such a system will encourage the dog to keep the place clean and within no time it will get the hang of the routine without the need for a reward.

Given that the bulldog does not have the best attention span. Training sessions should generally be as short as possible. By so doing, the puppy's ability to grasp and retain more information in the long run is substantially increased.

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