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Training Belgian Malinois - How Do You Train a Herding Dog Like the Belgian Malinois?

  • 22/11/2010

Training Belgian Malinois dogs is relatively easy because they are a highly intelligent breed. They are herding dogs and like to be given 'tasks' to fulfill. The most important key to remember with a Belgian Malinois puppy is that training should begin early and be highly consistent. Your puppy will enjoy challenges, but like all puppies he will have a relatively short attention span to begin with. Because of this you want to make the challenges relatively easy to begin with and let them get gradually more complicated and difficult. Although Belgian Malinois are great family dogs, you will want to be diligent with them around small children as the natural herding instinct will take over when they see running children.

Training Belgian Malinois puppies will involve effective use of positive reinforcement. Because this breed is extremely loyal and anxious to please, simply indicating clearly when you are pleased will direct your puppy to good behavior. Keep a pocket full of puppy treats at all times ready to reward good behavior when you find it. Your puppy's memory of what he has done lasts no longer than 3 to 5 seconds - after that he will have no association of what the treat is for. You must be diligent and focused during training sessions at all times.

Puppies learn about much of their world through their mouth and nose, therefore behaviors such as chewing and tipping over the trash will not be 'wrong' in their understanding. Punishing them for these behaviors only confuses and upsets them. When training Belgian Malinois one of the first command words to work on is 'Stop'. In a firm and even low-toned voice command stop and reward him with a treat when he does. Before long, any behavior that you view as negative will be able to be controlled with this command.

Your Belgian Malinois will be happiest with moderate to frequent activities, and they do well in obstacle courses and herding competitions. If you cannot get them into these types of competitions consider regular exercise at the park with fetch games, Frisbees and 'tag'. Training Belgian Malinois puppies to 'play' games is easy and rewarding and will give you many hours of pleasure through their life. Never threaten or inflict physical punishment on your puppy this will only make them skittish and sullen. Instead use consistency and positive reinforcement to help your puppy grow into a well behaved dog.

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