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Training A Weimaraner Puppy

  • 26/11/2010

Training Weimaraner puppies from a young age is very important if you want them to become obedient adult dogs. In order to avoid boredom in Weimaraner puppies and to remain healthy, they need lots of exercise. These dogs were bred to hunt, so they love to run and fetch. They have abundant energy. If you are able to work around that stubborn temperament of theirs, you will have a family pet that is both loyal and affectionate.

The Grey Ghost
Generally, Weimaraners are beautiful dogs. They have the nickname of the grey ghost because of their color. These dogs are powerful animals so they need plenty of daily exercise. If they do not get enough exercise, many problems can arise, such as chewing problems or barking problems. This is why Weimaraner training is so important in a puppy and you must keep them occupied with daily exercise.

Exercise Mix
A very important thing that that all dog training instructors teach is to provide a number of different ways to exercise your Weimaraner puppy. Such as things for instance jogging alongside any bi-cycle, jogging next to a person, walking with an individual coupled the arduous trail, as well as actively like playing fetch. Keeping your puppy occupied will relieve a lot of boredom.

Remember, Weimaraners were a breed that was trained to be hunters. They were used to taking on animals much larger than itself. And they were good at what they did. This is why it is so important to train your puppy to interact with other animals from a young age. This will prevent aggression towards others as the pup grows older.

Crate Training
You might experience many areas of difficulty when it comes to training your Weimaraner puppy. Housebreaking your puppy could be one of them. The best way is crate training. Put your puppy in its crate for short periods of time, while you remain close by, so the pup does not feel alone. Slowly increase the time limit so that he becomes comfortable with his crate. Remember to take him outside to relieve himself every now and then. Reward him when he gets it right. Follow this for about two months, until he gets used to it. Weimaraner puppies are highly intelligent, so once it knows where its bathroom is, you probably will have no further problems.

Family Pet
Training a Weimaraner puppy is really worth the effort. Weimaraner puppies are loyal, intelligent and fun loving pets. They make great watch dogs and trustworthy companions. Once your Weimaraner understands that you are the alpha dog, then its natural tendency to try to dominate will decrease. If trained properly, you would not have much problems with your Weimaraner.

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