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Training a Bulldog

  • 24/09/2012

It goes without saying that the English bulldog is indeed a very smart animal. To tell you the truth, the dog is known to be very stubborn so there are a few things one needs to know so as to make training much easier. The underlying thing to note is that you have to understand your dog before you decide what to start training.

Lead training is very essential when dealing with a bulldog. You don't want the dog pulling you around as you give it a walk down the street. This may be frustrating but requires some level of patience and understanding so as to make the dog more responsive and less unruly. One recommended way to do this is to stop the dog each time they pull so over time the dog will understand pulling as being wrong.

Bulldogs may also seem very dominating and may behave in certain ways so as to get the owners' attention. You should therefore ensure that you set boundaries on where the dog can and cannot go in the house. This is especially be important when you want the dog to get used to the idea that you are in control as the pack leader and not the other way around.

Although the bulldog may appear to be physically fit and energetic from the look of its body structure, this is usually not the case. Bulldogs can adopt a tendency to be very lazy and cozy therefore one has to be very careful to ensure that the dog gets used to doing some exercises in a bid to stay in good health.

As with any other living being, dogs to need to socialize. It is therefore very important that your bulldog gets used to the surrounding and interacts with people around you neighborhood. Failure to do this may result in an overly aggressive dog that may be unfriendly to people or other animals they do not know. Eventually this may pose a danger to the society around.

Getting as much information about bulldogs will go a long way in helping you to understand the dog better. In this respect there are so many sources of this kind of information especially on the internet. Therefore take up the responsibility of carrying out research about your dog. To put it briefly, training a bulldog comes easy if you know what to do and exactly how to do it.

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