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Top 5 Reasons to Adopt an English Mastiff

  • 22/11/2010

The English Mastiff is one of the world's top guard dogs due to its muscular body and enormous size. Its head is large with broad skull, making its face square in appearance. The English Mastiff is considered one of the biggest dogs in the world; with males weighing 160 to 245 pounds and females around 140 to 190 pounds. Regardless of gender, English Mastiffs are powerfully built with shoulder measurements of 30 inches for males and 27 inches for females. Below are five reasons why you should choose to adopt an English Mastiff:

1) A Beautiful Breed - An English Mastiff has a short coat and muzzle. It generally has a black mask around the nose and eyes, regardless of coat color, which comes in brindle, tiger, silver, light fawn, golden fawn, apricot and dark fawn. Eyes of an English Mastiff are dark, small and hazel, while his ears are dark-colored.

2) Impressive Guard Dogs - Born as protective dogs, you don't need to train an English Mastiff to guard your house, cars or family. These types of dogs normally become defensive when strangers are present, especially when near their masters, house and other territories. They immediately place themselves in between the stranger and their masters. However, once you allow the stranger into the house, the English Mastiff will back down from his defensive stance.

3) Great Companions - English Mastiffs are good-natured, patient, calm and easygoing even if they look scary due to their muscular physique. They are extremely loyal and devoted to their masters and families, which can be seen with their fondness of pleasing their human family. English Mastiff dogs are well mannered and intelligent. Although they seldom bark, you may want to watch out for frequent drooling and loud snoring.

4) Gentle with Children - An English Mastiff is a docile, steady and gentle dog. They look at children as puppies, so they treat kids gently. You can trust an English Mastiff alone with a child because they will never hurt children. However, you may need to keep these dogs away from toddlers since Mastiffs are not aware of their impressive size, which may accidentally hurt a toddler when playing.

5) Ability to Socialize with Other Dogs and Animals - The English Mastiff is neither a fighter nor a hunter. He rarely fights with other dogs unless he has to defend himself. He can also be mixed with other animals in the house because the English Mastiff will not harm other animals unless he sees them as a threat to himself, his master or his family.

If you want a loyal, protective, gentle, intelligent and beautiful dog, the English Mastiff is the right type of dog to adopt.

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