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Top 4 Reasons to Participate in Mastiff Rescue

  • 22/11/2010

Mastiff Rescue programs and organizations save millions of Mastiffs worldwide. These fierce-looking, gentle giants are one of the largest dog breeds in the world, but remain devoted, loyal, protective and obedient.

Due to its unique and costly needs, over 25% of dogs in shelters are Mastiffs and approximately 7 million of them are put to sleep every year due to overpopulation.

However, anyone can stop this from happening by participating in Mastiff Rescue programs, adopting homeless Mastiffs, sponsoring sick Mastiffs or donating money to an organization. If you want to help, but is still in doubt, here are the top four reasons to join a Mastiff Rescue program:

- The Appreciative Mastiff - Although many people may think that dogs just do their business, the Mastiffs will show his or her appreciation for the rest of their lives when you open your home to them. Since they have been displaced from their homes, the Mastiffs are likely to bond with their new masters, while viewing them as "heroes".

- The Affectionate Mastiff - Most Mastiffs are left in a shelter due to death of their masters or various tragedies. As such, when you adopt them in the Mastiff Rescue program, you are helping them go through their mourning period. Although the newly adopted Mastiff may be a little shy and wary, he will easily want nothing else than to please you. Meaning, in just no time, you can experience the loyalty, affection and devotion of your adopted Mastiff.

- The Mastiff at the Brink of Death - Many Mastiffs are put to sleep each year when no one adopts them in a shelter. When you buy Mastiffs from a pet shop or breeder, you help contribute to the death of innocent dogs. By participating in a Mastiff Rescue program, you help save a life.

- The Priceless Mastiff - Let's face it, taking care of a Mastiff requires food, shelter, medications, vaccinations and other expenses that could amount to hundreds of dollars yearly. Although many people can spare this amount, they become problematic when tragedies occur or the Mastiff becomes sick and needs medical attention. This is when the Mastiff ends up in a Mastiff Rescue shelter. Donating, sponsoring or participating in a Mastiff Rescue not only helps save a life, but also gives a roof under more and more homeless Mastiffs.

A Mastiff Rescue program not only allows you to save a dog's life, you also get to keep some of the most devoted and appreciative pets in the world. Although the cost of adopting a dog from a Mastiff Rescue program may seem high, the rewards will definitely be worth all the time, effort and money spent.

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