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Things to Consider When Getting a Weimaraner

  • 26/11/2010

It could be useful to do a little research online to learn more about their characteristics.

They are very energetic, intelligent and sometimes mischievous dogs that require constant attention. One of their best traits is that they can be very loving and affectionate. My Weimaraner loves curling up on the sofa and being close to people. However, it is fairly common for Weimaraner's to suffer separation anxiety. As our dog is a rescue dog, we had to deal with this issue immediately. It is important to eliminate this behaviour otherwise the dog can get anxious and become quite destructive.

Weimaraner's make great companions for active people. They need a lot of exercise because they are very athletic and powerful dogs. When it comes to this breed, the more exercise the better. You can take your Weimaraner on long runs, bike ride's, walk and they will be able to keep up for a very long time! They are very strong on the lead and can be tough to walk if not trained properly.

If you are considering getting a Weimaraner, you need to make sure that your home is secure. This is because they are well known escape artists and have a tendency to run away. They can jump over very high fences and open a wide range of doors. We have had to put extra locks on our doors because our Weim can open all of them! Make sure that your garden is secure and they cannot escape.

Many people end up giving up on Weimaraner's because they are unaware of how to handle the breed. If you are a first time Weim owner then be prepared for a challenge and make sure you have done your research. Invest in some good training early on so that they don't develop habits that are hard to change later on.

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