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Things to Consider Before Adding a Whippet to Your Family

  • 27/11/2010

If you are thinking about purchasing or rescuing a Whippet there are a few things that you should be aware of before making the plunge. A dog is a huge investment of time and money and you will want to keep in mind the 13-15 year lifespan of a Whippet. Whippets, also known as "mini greyhounds" are a member of the sighthound family. Their close relatives include Greyhounds, Italian Greyhounds, Salukis, and Borzois.

These lovely dogs are generally very happy and enjoy simply lounging on the couch all day! Contrary to popular belief, Whippets do not need very much physical exercise. One or two daily walks and at least one romp in the yard will suffice. Many Whippets do not even like going outside (mine doesn't!), and would much rather stay inside in the air condition.

Most whippets grow very attached to their human owners and can develop separation anxiety if left alone for too many hours each day. If you are planning on having only one dog, you might want to consider another breed, as a Whippet is most happy around others.

The most important thing that every potential Whippet owner must be aware of, is that they are inherently programmed to chase anything within sight...hence "sighthound". Their vision is incredible and if they see something that catches their attention - even a small paper bag 200 yards away - they can reach speeds up to 35 miles per hour and leave you in the dust! Because of this, it is absolutely important that you always have your Whippet on a leash or within a fenced yard. The most common cause of death among these dogs is weather exposure (hot and cold) and accidents with vehicles.

Lastly, you must realize that a Whippet, while generally a very hardy breed, tends to sometimes have upset stomachs. It is very common for these dogs to get car sick or just feel a little uneasy. The best way to combat this is to not feed your Whippet grocery store dog food. Make the small additional investment into purchasing high quality dog food that has less processed ingredients. Ask your vet what he/she recommends that is easy on your pup's tummy. It is also important to provide your Whippet with rawhide treats so that their teeth can get clean.

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