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The Temperament of a Miniature Schnauzer

  • 23/11/2010

Many people get the impression that small dogs have a temperamental disposition and bark excessively, and they tend to view a Miniature Schnauzer in the same manner. This is not completely true where a Miniature Schnauzer is concerned. While these dogs love to bark and are very vocal, this behavior can be tempered with the right training and a lot of patience. They can still be a vocal dog, but not become a nuisance because of excessive barking.

The disposition of a Miniature Schnauzer is very loving towards its owners. They are energetic and lively, but at the same time quite affectionate. They have a strong desire for affection and will actually make themselves sick if they feel neglected. Going for walks with their owner makes them quite happy and content. They also love to lay on the couch and snuggle up along side of their owner or on their lap. When it comes time to go to bed, they love to jump up and burrow under the covers to snuggle.

Miniature Schnauzers are very loyal dogs and fiercely protective of their home and family. Though they might be a bit stubborn on occasion, they are very smart and easy to train. They are also quite spunky and energetic around people and other dogs. Miniature Schnauzers should never be around small rodent like animals, because they will try to chase them down and catch them. There is nothing wrong with their lovable nature, it is inherent with the breed. A Miniature Schnauzer will get along well with other pets in the family who have been introduced gradually over a period of time. They also get along great with anyone or anything they deign a playmate, because playing around is a large part of their life.

Wherever his owners go, he will want to follow and behave as such. The breed grows very depressed when left alone for too long because they are very people oriented animals. They are not a dog that does well when left alone for long stretches of time. They are so affectionate and easily adaptable that they can be content living wherever they are, as long as they have their family. They are not overly attached to specific locations as much as they are to their people. They feel they are a valued member of the family and as such, demand to receive affection and be treated well.

Occasionally you will come across a Miniature Schnauzer that harbors aggression, though this is not normal behavior for this breed. The one thing that can be said about the Miniature Schnauzer is that they have their own minds, whether it be in training or play. For this reason, it is recommended that training commences at an early age in life. If you wait to long for training, it will be harder to get them to respond and do what is expected of them, they have to know they are not the alpha in the household. Once they learn this, they will transform into the most wonderful, loving and intelligent family pet.

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