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The Standard Poodle - What Makes This Dog Breed Special

  • 09/12/2010

Having a pet like that of a standard poodle brings so much joy and fun to its owners. Out of the many breeds of dogs, poodles are one of the well-loved kinds since they have a sweet nature and can be ideal show dogs too.

There are various breeds of poodles but the standard type of poodle is usually a favorite among pet owners. This particular type of dog typically stands for about 21-26 inches and lightly weighs 45-70 pounds, making them look so cute. Poodles are considered to be medium size dogs characterized by a small head and large body. Their fur looks sophisticated and is soft to touch. A poodle's coat comes in a variety of color such as blue, white, black, red, apricot, brown or cream. Interestingly, their fur color stands for their unique trait. In addition, their adorable waggling tail is of medium length and has a fluffy appearance.

What's so endearing about a standard poodle is its bubbly and joyful nature. They are not hard to please and so happy with their masters or owners. Yet they don't feel good being left alone for a long time, so it's advised to often spend quality time with them. If properly trained, standard poodles can be real smart as they have the ability to learn fast. You'll be amazed that they will soon know how to open doors without your help or ask you for their food once they are feeling hungry.

This particular variety of the poodle is known to be independent and intelligent, and can easily adapt to training; hence they are great show dogs. Moreover, they are calm and loving which makes them ideal pets even for kids. A standard poodle can be your best furry companion for they are friendly and make trusting guard dogs.

Elena Mastilero is passionate about pets, especially standard poodles. To discover more about standard poodles, you can visit

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