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The Prized Bichon Frise As a Pet

  • 31/10/2010

Typically only weighing seven to ten pounds and standing only nine to twelve inches tall, the Bichon Frise is a small white dog with dark brown or black eyes and black lips and nose. Bichon Frises are generally white, but some have shades of buff, apricot, or cream around their feathery drop ears. With their short legs and longer body, the Bichon Frise is blessed with a curved tail that goes over the dog's back. First time viewers of the Bichon Frise often find the dog's beauty and entertaining and lovable personality enchanting, and fall in love with them immediately. The adorable, small statured Bichon Frise is an excellent choice when looking for a true family pet.

A merry disposition and playful temperate makes the small adorable dogs a delightful and wonderful pet. Full of energy, the Bichon Frises are loveable, sociable, and get along well with others, including children, other family and other dogs. A household with older children is usually the best situation for the small lapdogs, as older children understand how to treat the small dog properly. Bichon Frises tend to be outgoing and friendly, often eagerly welcoming both family and strangers. Since they are so charming, they have a need to be around human company and are quite happy when taken along with their family.

The Bichon Frises often have an independent nature that is at odds with their need to be cuddly and affectionate. Although many breeds of small dogs are yappy, the Bichon Frise tends to be quieter, although still an excellent watchdog, alerting you to when someone is at the door. The Bichon Frise breed is often characterized by their obedient and competitive nature, as well as a desire to learn new tricks - performing tricks in order to obtain the attention that they crave.

Like many other small breeds, the Bichon can be difficult to housebreak and can cause quite a bit of frustration, especially in light of their extreme intelligence. Have a feeding and walking schedule that remains the same daily. Take him out at the same time each day, to the same place. Watch for bathroom signals such as circling and sniffing, which can often be missed or mistaken for curiosity. If you see these signs, take him out immediately to his bathroom area. Methods that work best when housebreaking your Bichon Frise are lots of love and positive training.

Any size accommodation is acceptable to the Bichon due to their small size and adaptability. They can easily adapt to small houses, apartments, and condiminiums, as well as large mansions. Their only requirement is that they are with their human family. Although the active dogs prefer to run around and play, which can serve as the dog's exercise, they love to go for walks with their owner as well.

When the Bichon is with its family or owner is when he is the happiest. Their highly social manner requires a bit of quality lap time, receiving lots of cuddling and affection, although they do not require strenuous exercise to remain healthy. When looking for a family pet, the Bichon Frise is definitely one of the top breeds of dogs to choose from.

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