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The Pretty Pomeranian Personalities

  • 23/11/2010

Pomeranians are very popular dogs as they add joy and excitement in most any household due to the wonderful Pomeranian personalities that they tend to display. Although the Pomeranian is quite small, it is mighty in personality and there is no shortage of Pomeranian personalities at all! They are typically cheerful in spirit and spunky in nature as they are incredibly nosey and like to know everything that is going on around them at all times. The Pomeranian demands attention from the owners and those around it and has to be part of every event, simply put.

Although Pomeranian personalities differ between each individual dog, they also can provide an environment of added noise and can often be extremely time consuming. Typically if this dog is not given a lot of attention in the way of dog training, they will be excessively yappy and the barking may impose on neighbors not to mention the individual households. The Pomeranian personalities are very strong willed and without the proper training techniques, a Pomeranian can be very 'spoiled' and naughty. It can't be emphasized enough how important early training and development is to ensure a smooth future with the Pomeranian as they can be quite hard to calm down the older they get while demonstrating the barking tendencies.

All About Pomeranian Personalities

You will never find a breed of dog that is so energetic and vivacious as what is clearly displayed in the Pomeranian personalities. This dog has a unique drive for life with a topping of dainty flair that makes them an attractive choice for any dog lover. Due to its categorization of the toy breed, many people assume they have the demeanor of the toy breeds however; the Pomeranian personalities largely display behavioral mannerisms of their close cousin, the spitz breed. They very often act loud and overexcited in the way they act as though they were a hundred pound rotweiller and although it can be quite entertaining, can sometimes be dangerous to the little dog because when faced with a much larger dog, will not back down.

The Pomeranian personalities are a definite attraction when choosing between distinct dog breeds however, left to their own device, will bark at absolutely anything that moves. It is highly recommended to begin to train these dogs from the time they are small and initially brought home to avoid unwanted Pomeranian personalities as they mature.

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