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The Miniature Pinscher

  • 23/11/2010

The Miniature Pinscher might be small, but these compact, courageous, muscular dogs should not be ignored. Despite their size, Min Pins are excellent watch dogs. They are both fearless and loyal.

The most common misconception about these chiseled, energetic dogs is that they are miniature Doberman Pinschers. They are actually not related to their large look alikes. Min Pins were developed in Germany from Terrier breeds and even may be a cross with Italian Greyhounds. They were originally bred to hunt rats.

Many owners believe this breed is not for everyone. They can become aggressive with other dogs, but are good with well behaved children as long as they are socialized early. In fact, a lot of their personality depends on how they were raised as puppies. Many breeders also recommend that owners purchase an exercise pen.

Despite their sometimes delicate appearance, Miniature Pinschers are quite a healthy and hearty breed with few genetic disorders. Simple, minimal maintenance such as cleaning their teeth and trimming their nails will keep them healthy. In fact, their biggest health risk is a child that handles them too roughly. Even though they aren't for everyone, they will make a wonderful pet for anyone willing to love them as much as they deserve.

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