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The Miniature Pinscher Dog Breed - Truly A Unique Pet

  • 23/11/2010

Those who don't know any better will tell you that the Miniature Pinscher is nothing more than a yappy, annoying little dog. Those same people will probably tell you that the Min Pin is a miniature Doberman. Of course those people are completely wrong.

The Miniature Pinscher is one of the most playful, loving and loyal dog breeds available. He has earned his reputation as "The King of the Toys."

King would definitely be the way this breed sees himself. Incredibly courageous, this dog has no idea that he only weighs about 10 pounds. The Min Pin has a serious attitude and in spite of his size, he acts like he's much bigger dog. You can see it in the way he walks, high stepping and head up high. It's what makes them such good watchdogs, but it's also what makes them a handful.

These dogs are very demanding, even to the point of being tyrannical. They attempt to run the household, and the smart dog owner prevents this from happening. That means training them early and not letting them "get away" with bad behavior. Disciplining can be tough simply because the breed is so cute. Fortunately training is an easy task because this breed is very intelligent.

Once trained, these dog are great pets. They love to play and if dogs had a profession, these would likely be stand up comedians. They remain playful and full of energy well into their old age. You cannot help but laugh when playing with a Min Pin. Give them plenty of toys or they happily make toys out of whatever you may have around the house.

Sure they need plenty of exercise, but because of their size they can get plenty just running around the house or apartment. Just be careful if you have children. Yes they get along great with kids, but because Miniature Pinschers are so muscular and sturdy (and of course playful), smaller children tend to think they can play rough. Sometimes too rough. Although this dog breed is far from fragile, it is only 10 pounds. Rough play can go too far.

Miniature Pinschers are also very loyal, and while they will get along and play with anyone in your household, they typically become extremely attached to one person.

The bottom line is that these are very entertaining pets. Don't worry if you don't have the energy to keep up, they're just as happy to play by themselves with you watching. When you watch, you are in for a real treat. And when it's time to settle down, they will settle down right next to you. Loving, fun, loyal and easy to care for, those are some of the characteristics that make up a great pet.

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