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The Jack Russell Terrier

  • 20/11/2010

If you're looking for spunky canine to be the perfect companion then a Jack Russell Terrier is what you're looking for!

The origin of this spunky terrier breed is by far one of the most interesting ones! It is believed that the breeder of this magnificent pooch, a young Theologian from Oxford University, first received the idea when he met a milk man with a white terrier with spots on his eyes and ears. The Theologians name in fact was Jack Russell. Trump, the milk man's dog, had 60 types of terriers bred from him.

The Jack Russell Terrier makes a perfect hunting companion! The Latin term for terrier, terra, actually means earth, so they have a wonderful disposition for hunting. They are high energy dogs that have a basic need to seek out things. A backyard is the perfect place for these medium sized pups to hide and find buried treasures. But, don't be surprised if your furry pal comes home with a mouse or rat.

They make great family pets due to their character towards strangers. The Jack Russell Terrier quickly figures out who is friend and who is foe. They are made to be aggressive and vocal when needed, but usually only show this quality when needed to. As an owner, if you invite someone in, the Jack Russell quickly understands to tolerate their presence, thus making him easy to bring around friends and family. Their great nature and intelligence makes them good dogs to bring around children.

Their cleverness can cause compulsory curiosity which can be controlled by obedience training. With proper training the most Jack Russell excel. In fact, they are known to dominate many show competitions. Hollywood quickly recognized their delectability. If you ever fell in love with Eddie on "Fraiser" or adored Milo from the "Mark" then you were admiring a Jack Russel Terrier.

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