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The German Shepherd - A Great Addition to Any Family

  • 16/08/2012

What's not to love about the German Shepherd? As far as dog breeds go, the German Shepherd is known for its courageousness as well as being fearless protector. A loyal and devoted companion, as well as a trainable and super intelligent competition dog. The GSD is probably one of the most versatile four legged animals on the planet.

Even though the GSD has so many great qualities, this doesn't always automatically qualify the German Shepherd as the ideal family dog. The GSD is an awesome working and service dog due to their high intelligence. New owners must understand that the GSD's take their jobs very seriously. A German Shepherd that is left alone for long periods of time can be a recipe for disaster. The GSD has tendencies to become overly vocal, destructive, and all around unhappy dog if not given plenty of exercise and human interaction.

Don't get me wrong, this family-oriented canine will thrive and become the ideal family dog as long as it's give plenty of proper training and guidance. The GSD cannot train itself and does not know right from wrong. He will require training from a firm yet gentle hand. Being a very confident breed, he will require a strong leader and consistent handling by a trainer that's able to command the dogs respect.

This breed will undoubtedly very well protect a family with children as it is their innate nature and they have very strong maternal instincts. The GSD takes its child-care duties very seriously as any other tasks assigned to them. When properly trained and socialized with kids of all ages, the GSD is very tolerant and gentle with children. Therefore making him the ideal family dog.

Before you add a German Shepherd to you family, you should consider all of his needs- exercise, space, companionship, occupation, training and so on. Be willing to make a commitment to providing for these needs and you will have a very handsome, intelligent, and loyal family pet that will reward you with total love and devotion.

Fun German Shepherd Facts;

Many famous German Shepherds have graced the Hollywood big screens for many years. As a rescued puppy from a bombed out war dog kennel in Lorraine, France, Corporal Lee Duncan brought back to the united states a pup named Rin Tin Tin and trained him as he had seen war dogs trained.

At a show in 1921 Rin Tin Tin amazed crowds by broad jumping 13

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