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The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a Historically Beloved Breed

  • 01/11/2010

The popularity of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is nothing new. For centuries, in the Europe and United Kingdom, small toy spaniels were the pets of choice for royal families. Charming, high-spirited and as happy to scamper about at your feet as they are to take a walk out of doors, spaniels like the Cavalier King Charles variety are one of the most satisfactory dogs to select when seeking a pet. Paintings and portraits of royal family members from Europe and the United Kingdom from the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries often feature depictions of this loyal, loving and affectionate breed. These spaniels are often depicted playing with children, as this breed was a favorite playmate of young members of the royal families. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are descended from King Charles Spaniels and other small toy spaniels.

These dogs are truly beautiful animals, with large, dark soulful eyes that seem capable of displaying myriad expressions. Cavaliers have soft, silky coats with slightly wavy hair. Their coats must be groomed properly in order to avoid knotting or matting. The dogs are not especially heavy shedders, but if their coat is not groomed properly they will shed a great deal which can be messy and cause problems for allergy sufferers. In addition to their wide expressive eyes, small heads with flat skulls and cone shaped muzzles characterize the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Historically the muzzles of Cavaliers were much sharper and pointier, but years of breeding have rendered their muzzles softer and rounder, giving them the look that they are known for today. The dogs have wide nostrils as well that sit prominently on their broad noses. They generally stand about twelve to thirteen inches high and weigh between ten and eighteen pounds when they are fully grown. These beautiful dogs have tri-colored coats, with white, tan and beautiful mahogany toned fur. Many have a spot on the very top of their head known as the "kissing spot" or the "Blenheim spot" as they were a favorite pet at Blenheim Palace in England.

In terms of disposition, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is highly affectionate, loving and playful. Though not considered an especially intelligent breed of dog, Cavaliers are nevertheless of average smarts and one of the most highly social dog breeds. They are patient animals, who are eager to please and to keep company with their masters. As highly social animals, they are good companions for children and also tend to get along with other dogs, as long as the other dogs are not vicious or highly aggressive in nature. Because of the Cavalier's propensity for socialization and company, they require constant attention, stimulation and affection. Leaving one of these dogs alone for several hours at a time is not recommended, as they can grow lonely, depressed and despondent without their humans to interact with. They do not do well when left on their own for long periods of time. This is an important thing for potential pet owners to consider before bringing one into their home. These spaniels take to strangers very easily, and often lick them on the hand as a way of greeting them. An interesting fact about them is that they have been known to display some cat like behaviors. They can some times be found on a high perch in a home or apartment, and sometimes clean their own paws with their tongue.

When it comes to health, unfortunately, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is susceptible to many health conditions, among them heart murmurs, syringomyelia, hip dysplasia, eye disorders and deafness. These difficulties are something that must be taken into consideration before making the decision to bring a Cavalier into your family. The owner must be prepared to watch for signs of illness or physical problems as well as committed to bringing the dog to the veterinarian for the proper care when problems do arise.

You must have plenty of time to devote to this dog. But if you do make the decision to adopt a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, you will be rewarded with one of the most loving, affectionate and friendly dog breeds known to man.

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