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The Cardigan Welsh Corgi

  • 01/11/2010

This dog is indeed a big dog in a small package. The cardigan Welsh corgi is long in length and short in height and has short legs. The tail on this dog is short and naturally docked. Overall; this dog looks similar to a fox. Moreover, this breed is powerful and muscular, and determined to please its owner. The cardigan Welsh corgi were originally bred in whales as farm dogs, and they were used by the early settlers to heard cattle in that area, know today as cardigan whales. Thus the name "cardigan welsh corgi" says it all about the breed's origin, furthermore the word "Corgi" means dwarf dog in welsh. This breed has known to be in existence since 3000 years, which is one of the earliest breed of dogs in the British Isles that were brought to whales by Celtic Tribes, who had migrated to central whales, from the high country of Europe around 1200bc.

At first this breed was specifically bred to guard children and flush out game for food, however as the years
went on, corgis became more popular for their companionship. Today crofters in Whales still use the corgi as a herding dog; the corgi can guide large cattle by nipping on their heels, and can chase away potential predators from preying on livestock. Usually a medium or a large dog can efficiently herd cattle, however the corgi can do this job just as efficiently despite being a small dog, and it can do this job, thanks to its high energy levels. The cardigan Welsh corgi, loves to play and have fun, they crave human love and attention and would prefer to sit on your lap all day.

This dog is also extremely similar to the Pembroke Welsh corgi; these two breeds look very similar in appearance, although the Pembroke Welsh corgi does not have a tail. Moreover, the cardigan Welsh corgi is the original breed of dog.

In conclusion; this dog can make a great pet, if he has the right temperament and is provided with proper training, and moderate levels of exercise. If provided with all these things, the cardigan Welsh corgi can make a great family pet, one that you can trust your children with. They can be gentle enough to play with children and, can make great pets for senior citizens as well. In addition, this breed can adopt in any living environment.

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