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The Border Collie Loves to Work

  • 31/10/2010

Since the very beginning of the breed's origins, the Border Collie has always been used for working purposes. It should be noted the dog is highly intelligent, possesses a strong work ethic and is well known for its agility and endurance.

The Border Collie is considered to be one of the most effective sheep herding dogs in the world; they can be very hyper and are many times used on farms the world over to assist with livestock herding and handling. A Border Collie is also a breed that has become quite popular as both a family pet and sport dog.

In the past, the work of a Border Collie consisted of herding livestock back to the shepherd and today; the dog is still used for the same purposes. However, the herding animals have somewhat changed over the years. A Collie in times gone by was used to herd sheep, farm livestock and cattle. Today, they are used to herd a wider variety of animals such as small birds, free range poultry, ostriches, deer, emus and pigs.

The Border Collie is a dog with an insatiable desire to work and must have a specific function to perform; otherwise the dog will grow bored rather quickly. As a pet, the dogs are happy and playful, and enjoy having a variety of things to do to keep them focused and busy. A Border Collie is athletic in nature and having so much excessive energy, the dog needs a regular and rigorous exercise routine. The dog is known to work so intensely, they work themselves to the point of exhaustion and can injury themselves if not properly supervised.

A Collie loves to perform the work of herding and gathering. This is much different than the work of other working breeds, such as a heeler who will nip at the heels of a herd member to get them to move forward. While in contrast, a Border Collie will work in a large pattern or circle, using a sweeping motion to keep the entire herd moving in the necessary direction.

The dog's energy, instincts and abilities have been harnessed in a great many ways. Besides being used for herding purposes, the dog has also been used to chase fowl and other animals from airport runways and also golf courses. The Collie breed has also been used in search and rescue work, for tracking purposes and for rehabilitation and therapy.

The dogs continue to prove time and again how valuable they are when working on farms, ranches and several other locations. The Collie is a very economical addition to any farm; the dog has been known to outwork 2-5 men in a livestock herding capacity.

A Collie may not make the perfect pet for all people, so serious thought should be given before deciding upon whether or not the breed is the best choice. The dog has an innate work drive that can make them very demanding, with a strong need to keep moving and working. The Border Collie can be such a demanding dog, many people may find them difficult to deal with. For those who choose to get a Border Collie for farm work purposes, the investment more than pays for itself.

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