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The Bichon Frise Comes From the Mediterranean Region

  • 31/10/2010

The Bichon Frise is a descendent of the Barbet or Water Spaniel, much like his cousin the Caniche, and in the beginning he was known as Barbichon, which was later shortened to Bichon. In addition, there are four different categories of the Bichon, which include the Bichon Bolognais, the Bichon Maltais and the Bichon Tenerife as well as the Bichon Havanais, and all of these categories came out of the Mediterranean region.

As everyone knows, bringing home a Bichon Frise will surely fill you with a lot of joy and it will also prove to be very exciting as well. Once the excitement has worn off it is time to consider things such as training and more particularly Bichon Frise potty training. After all, you don't want your new addition to the home to treat your entire home as his bathroom. So the sooner you get it to learn where to eliminate and ease himself the better it will be for everyone.

The Bichon Frise will respond well to Bichon Frise training and it is believed that the most effective method of imparting Bichon Frise potty training is to use the crate training method. Remember that on average, a puppy (including the Bichon Frise puppy) can only hold his bladder for one hour for each month of his age, and it is also not a good idea to get him to hold his bladder for too long. Thus, proper Bichon Frise potty training requires taking the puppy or dog outside where he can do his business and once completed, should be rewarded to enforce the habit and then returned to his kennel.

In addition, it is not right for you to scold your dog or punish him if accidents happen, because dogs are naturally very clean and will generally follow your instructions provided they are given in a calm and gentle voice, and they are also rewarded when they do the right things. Also, your Bichon Frise potty training efforts will only begin to show positive results after your puppy has attained the age of six months, which is when they start to remember their habits, and will thus be able to associate leaving their crate with having to eliminate.

Your puppy may not always be able to remember to go out and eliminate and this is in part due to his extremely small bladder as well as bowel, so you need to exercise restraint should accidents happen during Bichon Frise potty training. Because of his young age and poor control over his organs, your new Bichon Frise may act like a young infant and create a mess in spite of your best efforts.

Should such accidents occur, you should remember that proper Bichon Frise training and more particularly Bichon Frise potty training does not require you to punish or reprimand your pup every time he accidentally messes up your home. Often, such accidents can even be due to your own fault in not taking the puppy out in time and thus he isn't really the one to blame. In any case you need to, when such accidents take place, note down the circumstances and try and rectify the reasons behind such accidents.

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