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The Belgian Malinois As a Puppy

  • 22/11/2010

A Belgian Malinois makes a great pet, whether as a companion, working dog, police dog or guard dog, and an owner with enough time to train the dog will learn to love the breed for its many talents. There are many things about the breed that should be taken into consideration when a person is trying to determine whether or not they have the time to devote to training and raising the dog. One of the main considerations is how the breed behaves as a puppy.

A Belgian Malinois is a good dog breed, but goes through a significant period of adjustment during puppyhood where the dog may act out. The temperament of a Belgian Malinois puppy can be best compared to a human teenager, and just like a teenager, if the owner is persistent and diligent with training the dog should outgrow the problem period with relative ease. However, until the dog passes this difficult stage of life, it can be quite frustrating and annoying to an owner.

The most interesting aspect of the puppy stage is that even the most stable tempered and well-trained Belgian Malinois can act out and exhibit bad behavior. The bad behavior can be as simple as being overly hyper and exuberant like excessive barking or jumping up on people or it can be worse and the dog may nip or growl at people. The breed as a whole is rarely aggressive, even when a puppy, but the bad behavior needs to be dealt with effectively so the dog does not adopt it permanently.

A puppy of this breed will have an abundance of energy, even as an adult a Belgian Malinois has a high energy level. When the dog is a puppy, an owner should teach the dog what they can do to burn the excess energy without resorting to being destructive.

For the Belgian Malinois pup, it is highly advisable an owner put the dog into obedience classes. These types of classes teach the pup to do basic dog tricks and perform tasks like sit, stay, down and no. Also as the puppy matures into adulthood and learns more, it will learn to run through agility courses and if trained correctly the dog will love the challenge these events present. Puppy kindergarten is also another option strongly encouraged for a Belgian Malinois pup, this will provide the puppy with the chance to socialize which is important so that the dog grows up to be friendly and not threatened by strangers or other animals.

For the owner who has children, there is already a foundation for a good relationship with a Belgian Malinois. The breed is particularly great with children, especially when the two have grown up together. A Belgian Malinois is a breed that should be first introduced to children as a pup and then trained and socialized to accept and become accustomed to the quick movements, playfulness and noise generated by children. These things are all important factors of training a Belgian Malinois to be the well-adjusted, loving family member you hope them to be.

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