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The Basset Hound: The "Hush Puppy" Breed

  • 31/10/2010

The Basset Hound is believed to have developed from a "curiosity" in the sixteenth century. Apparently a mutation developed in the litters of stag hounds in France in which puppies were born with short legs. (The French word "baset" means "low-set". ) These mutated puppies were bred together and the short, long bodied Basset Hound was born. The breed was introduced into Great Britain in the late 1800s and immediately became a favorite of Queen Alexandra's court. By 1886 there were more than 100 Bassets entered at a London Dog Show. In 1892 Sir Everett Millais, considered to be one of the main "founding fathers" of the breed in Britain, introduced the Bloodhound into the breeding, in part to guarantee against the inherent dangers which can be present in a small gene pool.

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