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The Basset Hound - So Much Joy

  • 31/10/2010

Consider why you want a dog. Perhaps you grew up with one or you just love animals. Getting a pet can be extremely beneficial in countless ways, and Basset Hounds are no exception to this rule. These dogs get along with nearly everyone, enjoy almost excellent health, and have been bred to hunt, if that is one of your goals. Below are a few peeks at why owning a Basset Hound can be such a pleasure and maybe a few reasons why you should consider adding one to your home.

Best Friends with Everyone:
The friendliness of a dog is often in question when there are young children or other pets in the household. You don't have to worry about the disposition of a Basset Hound, as they get along well with nearly everyone. They are sociable with people and other animals. They are rarely aggressive and that may only happen under extreme provocation. Playing with children and other dogs is quite safe, due to the Basset Hound's mild mannered nature and willingness to show affection. Even the males and the females of the same breed get along well together, an abnormality in other dogs. It's safe to say that your Basset Hound will get a long with any other dog breed.

Basset hounds lean towards excellent health. There are some issues, such as gassiness, ear infections, joint disorders and skin problems that you will likely always run into. So it's important to keep a close eye on them as they develop, and keep those giant ears clean! However, Basset Hounds tend not to be as prone to other genetic health problems that can be found in other breeds. To ensure that the Basset Hound retains good health, it is important to provide enough exercise and proper nutrition. If your dog becomes obese, he can experience more illnesses than a healthy dog, but keeping a close watch on your dog's diet can help avoid these problems. Make adjustments to your dog's diet as his weight increases or decreases, as well as his activity level. Fortunately, Basset Hounds love activity, since they were bred for it.

Born Hunters:
Basset Hounds were originally bred to hunt small game animals, including rabbits and pheasants. The powerful sense of smell that the Basset Hound possesses allows them to track their prey easily. Their wrinkled face helps retain the smell of their prey while tracking. With their short legs, the Basset Hound cannot move as quickly as some of the larger dogs, therefore allowing their owners to keep up with them while moving through the woods searching for their quarry.

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