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Sweet Gentle Hound - Basset Hound

  • 31/10/2010

The Basset Hound is a short legged, long bodied, loose skinned and powerfully built dog with a great sense of smell. Basset Hounds' tracking abilities are second only to the Bloodhound with a nose that is incredibly accurate. His long ears serve to sweep the scent into his nostrils as he moves. His long ears and sad eyes easily attract people towards him. He has a short dense coat which is easily kept and can be of any recognized hound coloration. They are known for their loud, melodic howl-like bark.

These dogs are to be between 12-15 inches in height for the male, the female is a little smaller at 11-14 inches. The females weigh a little less also. Their ideal weight is between 45-60 pounds and the male is 50-60 pounds. They have a life span that ranges from 10 to 12 years.

Because of his hound instincts, he is not necessarily an easy dog to train, for often his nose will distract him from other activities and can also lead him into danger, as he can easily get carried away and follow his nose to wherever it takes him. It's advisable to keep him in an enclosed area and on the leash during walks. Bassets can be stubborn, especially when they are investigating an intriguing smell. To avoid any unpleasing condition Basset hound puppies should be trained early to come when called.

The puppy has a coat which is short, hard and smooth with all weather density. They should be brushed at least weekly. They are heavy shedder and brushing will help keep your house free of shed hair. They do shed constantly and may not be good for allergy suffers. Watch the ears and teeth as both will need regular care.
Overeating produces health problems for growing Basset hound puppies as well as for adult dogs. Because of their low spine and short legs it is important to not allow them to get overweight. They must be carefully fed to avoid weight gain as this can be very hard on their back and heart. Feeding them in small portions a few times a day is the best way to help alleviate bloating which is common in the breed. At a minimum, a daily walk is a must.

The puppy makes a great pet for an apartment as long as she can get plenty of walks. Some of the health issues that you will need to keep your eyes open for include obesity, spine problems, leg problems, ear infections, bloating, and possible skin infections. It's also important to note swimming is difficult for Bassets due to their short legs. Never leave a Basset unsupervised near a pond, pool or other water.

If you're looking for a gentle companion that's easy to care for and gets along well with everyone, you'd be hard put to do better than a basset hound. These are among the most companionable and lovable dogs on the planet.

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